
BreastMilkPopsicles t1_it934xp wrote

But there are lots of videos that explain the numbers on the screen that you see in the videos are all normal and not noteworthy. There is absolutely nothing happening in any of the videos that an aviation expert will find interesting if you mute the audio.

I'll try to dig up some of them when I finish work.


BreastMilkPopsicles t1_it9107m wrote

No, a virologist will be able to explain to me what we're seeing on the screen without audio. They'll be able to point to parts of the virus and explain what what we're seeing here is important because blah blah blah.

The problem with the tic tac videos is all that the "virologist" (or NASA expert) would be able to talk about in this case, is what people on the audio are saying, which means you have to trust that they're 1) right and 2) honest.

Again, there is nothing special about the videos if you mute them. That is a huge red flag for skeptics. I can only assume that the lack of more compelling evidence only strengthens the skepticism considering their would be mountains of data to support what these people are seeing.


BreastMilkPopsicles t1_it8hegp wrote

They don't have to be incredibly advanced in all areas to send a probe here.

We're not far from being able to reach 20-30% of the speed of light with light sails and laser arrays. Say they are 100 years ahead of us in that tech and have figured out how to get to 50% with the ability to slow down before they reach their destination.

If they're in our neighborhood, they could reach us (with a probe) in a human generation or two while not being miles ahead of us technologically.