
BumpyDenny93 t1_jeh0omw wrote

I got my period for the first time on January 6, 2003 when I was still 9 years old. I remember going into the bathroom and pulling down my pants and seeing Ketchup and literally fucking losing my mind.

I screamed so loudly because I had no idea what the hell was going on and my mom came rushing into the bathroom and she saw what was going on and was way calmer than me and I gave her a bit of a WTF look and then she left the bathroom and basically left me standing there in a very precarious position.

I eventually got out of my shock mode and pulled up my pants and when I left the bathroom, I saw my mom on the phone. Apparently she had left the bathroom and called everyone on the westside of Detroit and told them that I was on my period.

Within an hour of finding out that I am bleeding like a stuffed pig, Most of the westside of Detroit knew about it.

I can laugh about this now but I had a total WTF moment then.


BumpyDenny93 t1_jegzg4k wrote

In 2015 when I was 21, I got on Skype and did X-rated things on it because a old ass white man paid me $40 to do so.

In my defense, I had barely eaten in days and I really needed some food and that was a good way to go about buying some.

Oh and in case you are wondering what I brought with the money, it was the St. Jude's special from Domino's.