
Busy_Bitch5050 t1_iyc0y90 wrote

For this one, I first went to the site that OP used to verify the marriage certificate. Once I had the date, location, names, and ages, I Googled census records from the 1930s and 1940s by including all the information I had in the search. After that, I figured John E Evans may have served in the war, so I Googled for service records and verified from a few sources, one being ancestry.com (no membership needed this time). Then I searched for his gravesite, but I still needed his age at death. I found several candidates on ancestry, but only one perfectly matched his family's names from the census records.

The trick is to stay completely objective. I don't care what I find when I start because I don't want to influence the outcome. Many people fall into this habit and before you know it, we're all related to some famous king or queen lol. Just follow the evidence and go with whichever path is most likely and rational.


Busy_Bitch5050 t1_iybrj6p wrote

Thats what I was thinking too since my mom's side of the family also uses the same funeral home.

Dorothy passed away less than two years ago, so that would be a really good option. I would love to hear that I helped reunite this piece of family history with their descendants, but I also wouldn't blame OP if they left it alone since it's already been framed and placed back in the wall that's now sealed up again lol


Busy_Bitch5050 t1_iybl08v wrote

Thank you! Maybe it will help OP, or maybe they've already forgotten about it. But at some point, someone is bound to look up their genealogy from the Evans family and possibly find this post. I figured it would be cool for them to be able to see their ancestors' marriage certificate was found in their old home and is preserved in the walls lol.


Busy_Bitch5050 t1_iyb9iwi wrote

I found this in the 1900 census from Grant, WV:

John T Evans - 57 - Head of Household

Jane Evans - 51 - Wife

Walter Evans - 22 - Son

Fanny Evans - 17 - Daughter

Ocie S Evans - 13 - Daughter

Henry H Evans - 11 - Son

John E Evans - 5 - Son

According to wvgenweb.org. he was 26 when he married in 1922, so this could be accurate.

EDIT: In 1930, he and Gertrude lived in New York, NY with five children (Hazel - 16, James - 14. Eva - 12 [this may be a typo by the census taker--2 seems possible, but Im not sure], Elizabeth - 5, and Jeneva - 1). From 1930 Federal Census.

EDIT 2: The 1940 Census has four additional children. (Virginia May - 10, Frank - 8, Dorothy - 5, and Walter - 3). They lived in Babylon, Suffolk, NY in 1935 and at 259 Main St., Fishkill, Dutchess, NY in 1940.

Remember, these are 10 years apart from the previous census.

EDIT 3: WWI service records seem to indicate his serial number was 5,831,951. He may have served overseas from Feb. 26, 1916 - Apr. 5, 1919. Honorably discharged Apr. 21, 1919.

EDIT 4: WWII Draft Registration shows serial number 2970 and a birth date of Dec. 8, 1895.

EDIT 5: Youngest child, Walter W. (1937-1998), born and died in Fishkill, Dutchess, NY. Buried in Fishkill Rural Cemetery. Married to Nancy Jane Evans (Oct. 27, 1938-Dec. 5, 2019).

EDIT 6: John E. Evans' Gravesite and his daughter, Dorothy Louise Evans Carr (obituary at bottom of page). Dorothy was born Sept. 2, 1934 and passed away peacefully in her sleep on Nov. 11, 2020.

That's all I've got for now, but OP did say this:

>The previous owner of the house passed away before we bought it. I don’t know her maiden name, but I assume this was her parents’ marriage certificate, and was perhaps brought in when her father came to live with them (presumably after his wife passed away). As I mentioned in another comment, the wall itself was a partition partially built out of moving crates, with John Evans’ name and address stamped on them.

And this:

>I live in Vermont, not West Virginia.

I suspect it may have been Dorothy Louise Evans' home as she resided in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, at the time of her death.

Sadly, every family member I have listed thus far had passed away prior to Dorothy.

FINAL UPDATE: OP has confirmed that the house belonged to Dorothy.