
Butwinsky t1_j2fq284 wrote

It's fun and sad to think about geniuses born before the time their genius was applicable.

Think of all the dudes and dudettes who may have had the skill and knack for programming the world's most advanced AI but they were born in 1825 Ireland.


Butwinsky t1_iyh7y76 wrote

I'm not shilling, youre in futurology mate, this is looking at where neuralink can take us. If you're good with animal cruelty with farm animals for the sake of eating a bacon cheeseburger but draw the line at testing if saving/changing medical procedures on monkeys, you're probably a self-righteous hypocrite.


Butwinsky t1_iyh7g07 wrote

Eh. I'm sure no one aced heart transplants or pacemakers 1st try either. I hate it for the monkeys, but if a bunch of monkeys have to die so some kid born a few years from now can see or some paraplegic can walk again? Sorry monkeys.

Animal testing leads to animal deaths. Now, whether or not the monkeys were treated with cruelty is another issue.