
CDM2017 t1_j9ra2ea wrote

As a New Englander for more than 40 years, I can tell you there has always been a subset of people who wear shorts year-round. But 15-20 years ago people started posting their photos online for you to see. And apparently you were angry about it.

Before that, only their moms got upset about it, and only because it made the moms cold to see it.


CDM2017 t1_j2dhgkd wrote

Hell yes. My time is limited, I want to play through the game not grind the same objective for an hour while I learn the perfect combination of buttons to get past it.


CDM2017 t1_ixp0ctk wrote

I remember nothing! But that was the 70s for ya.

I have pics of my mom drinking and smoking while pregnant with me, so I'm just glad I didn't end up with fetal alcohol syndrome.

I didn't learn from the Michelob though, I do remember sneaking around when my parents threw parties and stealing sips of booze.