
Camillo_Trevisan t1_jdqjtbp wrote

Hello everyone,

I state that I am a neophyte.

I'm looking for a Machine Learning software that can analyze large datasets composed as follows: 3D surface defined by triplets of XYZ values (at least 150 triplets or more, defined on a regular and constant grid or, possibly, also on an irregular grid, different for each set) and the related outputs, produced by my software, which contain about seventy calculated numerical parameters on that surface. I would like to analyze a few thousand datasets, each consisting of at least 500/600 or more numerical values.

The idea is both to analyze the entered data and also to carry out simulations such as: if I define a new set of output values, which 3D surface could generate them using my software?

The utility is given by the fact that my software takes many hours of calculation to generate a set of output values and also it only works in one direction (input grid -> output values).

Thanks in advance for any suggestion
