
Cannonball_21 t1_irn9ijh wrote

To be sure, it was not uncommon back when people had all the resources they could desire. A lot of it is the chemical imbalance created when the hormones of pregnancy start to dissipate after the birth.


Cannonball_21 t1_irmyu75 wrote

I have to wonder if postpartum depression is more prevalent today because of the nuclear family and parents having fewer, if any support networks to relieve the gargantuan task of raising a newborn. Whole families had the infrastructure to care for new members. There were many people to intervene and give the mother the rest and recovery she needed after 10 months of her body being co-opted. There aren't enough hands and eyes now to lend support the way it used to be, and now there's even a significant aggressively child free like to see parents suffer for even existing. Strange times we live in.