CapitanChicken t1_j9900cy wrote
Reply to comment by ISOtrails in Philadelphia from a Pine Barrens Fire Tower- Apple Pie Hill by ISOtrails
That's amazing! You essentially saw beyond the entire width of the state!
CapitanChicken t1_j8gj0x0 wrote
Reply to comment by gl3nnjamin in PsBattle: Corporate event introducing a new yogurt by aguslucas
Hey hey hey, L. B. J. you wanna get drunk?
CapitanChicken t1_j8c04qc wrote
Reply to comment by JJMcA in Spring is slowly making its way into southern Germany [OC] [3888x5184] by tegucigalpa1337
They said, it's in Germany
Edit: I figured this joke would flop, it was rather far fetched for anyone who doesn't know German. 'Wo' in German means where. So when they said "Wo?" I was... Being a smart-ass. I suppose I earned my down votes.
CapitanChicken t1_jacggkk wrote
Reply to comment by ninjasays in Hand me down name tag trail on this child’s jacket by Mofomania
It's why I'm so thrilled when I see older Bean stuff at Goodwill. I'm still kicking myself for leaving an old pair of their boots behind.