
Care_Best t1_j1te0gx wrote

the singularity is 20-30 years away. I truely doubt 20-30 years more worth of carbon damage will result in 1.8 miles of ice covering the earth. and the concept of living in vr, doesn't mean surviving in a bunker with some vr headset. he's talking about mind uploading where a person choose to upload their consciousness into a matrix like reality, abandoning their physical body which requires food, water and shelter.


Care_Best t1_j17v0d1 wrote

i don't think locomotion or haptics problem for vr will be solved before the era of BCI. my reasoning for this position is that not only are the problems presented by locomotion and haptics hard to solve, but they're not a financially profitable venture. for high end VR, the headset is already seen as an accessory for the more mainstream pc gaming. so you're asking consumers to first invest in a 1000-2000$ gaming machine, a vr headset that ranges from (500$-2000$) but now a treadmill and a suit which will be an additional cost. thats a fraction of a fraction of a market that will demand something so niche. and because there is a very limited player base with this niche accessory, are vr developers even gonna waste the resource to implement support? my bet is on no. to solve the problems of haptics and locomotion, will require huge levels of funding's and a team of veteran engineers to tackle the problems ahead. yet there is no consumer apatite large enough by mainstream appeal to gain the investment required for these problems. futhermore, once BCI technology reach a level of maturity it will surpass anything haptics and treadmills can offer, by offering true full dive. you're never gonna be able to feel water on your skin, or taste the virtual food on your tongue with haptics. you will with a BCI. so do I think you'll be able to buy a haptic suit or a treadmill, yes, there already available today. are they any good. no, and it'll never reach mainstream adoption before BCI becomes available


Care_Best t1_j17laxk wrote

With the number of people in this world that suffers from depression and loneliness, it's not ridiculous to assume that a substantial fraction of the population will reject reality for a virtual reality. Imagine when virtual reality gets to matrix level through some future iteration of nerualink (bci), where you can taste the virtual food and feel the virtual water on your skin. Couple that with an AI that you fell in love with that looks like what ever celebrity crush you have, and it's a alluring proposition to just reject reality all together and escape to paradise.