Carlweathersfeathers t1_ja8lu1l wrote
Check pm’s
Carlweathersfeathers t1_j73pbp3 wrote
Reply to Sharkbite connectors PSA by InfiniteCurrency8
Where I live, sharkbites are not allowed to be enclosed in a wall unless covered by an access panel. Even the plumbing supply house will tell you they aren’t permanent solutions. But they are handy as fuck
Carlweathersfeathers t1_ix6bb8d wrote
Reply to comment by Chard069 in Jack Daniel’s asks Supreme Court to hear dog toy dispute. Will they bite? by WREGnewschannel3
I’m not sure what the show Scrubs has to do with this case, but if JD shows up without Turk, it’s a no from me dog
Carlweathersfeathers t1_iwn5o2r wrote
Reply to How to disconnect from hose Bibb? by Jon-Snowfalofagus
Those escutcheons should pull away from the wall. Then you only have to cut for the water line and when you push them back they will cover it up. They may have been pressed up against wet paint and are now stuck.
Although I do agree with everyone else that removed bge those crappy valves now is the best option long term
Escutcheons are the plastic caps against the wall that prevent you from seeing the hole for the water lines and drain pipe. I’ve never seen this exact setup so they may be threaded into the drywall or have some form of light “clamping” action on the water line some how, but only a true asshole would permanently attach them. Permanently attaching them requires extra effort/cost.
Carlweathersfeathers t1_jart8mg wrote
Reply to 3/2 Fells Point Magnet Fishing Meetup! by TopS3cr3t
Anybody now if the guy in the bottom left of the first pic’s first name is George?