
Carpeteria3000 t1_je7tkb6 wrote

Reply to comment by kcast2818 in Death with dignity by Avocadoexpresss

Umm ok? Name calling would be me saying “You’re an idiot.” I didn’t.

You’re definitely making a slippery slope fallacy.

You’re claiming that, despite there being over 20 years of data related to the law being safely enacted and protected here in the US, that somehow we’re just going to backpedal and start expanding DwD to groups not covered under the current laws, even though you have zero evidence of that being discussed in any real or likely manner by anyone with the power to expand those laws. Your evidence so far is that in Canada (a different country) it’s being “pushed for” - pushed how? By who? How likely is it to happen? Is it on a ballot? And again, even if Canada decided to expand on it, we aren’t discussing Canadian policies. This is America, where these laws have been pretty strictly adhered to in the few states where it has been legalized.

Making the bizarre equivalent between this topic and gay/trans rights, which has literally nothing to do with this issue, is a totally illogical connection and does nothing for the supposed points you’re trying to hammer.


Carpeteria3000 t1_je7qi2z wrote

Reply to comment by kcast2818 in Death with dignity by Avocadoexpresss

I didn’t call you any names. I said you’re talking out of your ass, which is a common phrase for someone throwing around a bunch of nonsense.

Not biting on fallacies =/= echo chamber.

It’s a shame that you’re afraid of something that has no evidence of occurring in this country after literal decades of data and which could help a great deal of your fellow humans who are needlessly suffering while terminal diseases ravage their bodies, while their families have to sit by and watch and while incurring unnecessary medical bills.


Carpeteria3000 t1_je7laaf wrote

Reply to comment by kcast2818 in Death with dignity by Avocadoexpresss

I’m literally not living in Canada, and “pushing for” something doesn’t mean it will happen. Lots of laws get “pushed for” across the country. Doesn’t automatically make them happen.

The DwD law has existed for over 20 years in Oregon and no slopes have been slid in that time. It has been legalized in several other states since then, and amazingly, the laws have held fast and far fewer terminal patients have actually taken advantage of these acts than doomsdayers projected.


Carpeteria3000 t1_j9il0ls wrote

Late Gen X/Millennial couple here: we bought a house in Chelmsford RIGHT before COVID seriously hit in March 2020. Our house value has gone up over $100k since then - I don’t think we could have afforded the house if we were buying today.