
Castle_of_Aaaaaaargh t1_jee76ll wrote

Recognize how fortunate you are that she even stuck around. Getting blown off and rejected, that you’ll “think about it” for over a month before getting back to her… most people would assume you’re not interested at all and move on.

I dont have advice for letting this bother you less, except to accept that YOU made all the flakey choices that lead to her seeing other people.


Castle_of_Aaaaaaargh t1_je9x7qz wrote

Some wise words for you:

Just because you heard from a 3rd party that someone likes you, doesnt mean you have to do anything at all.

Whether its 1 girl or 2, you dont have to react to the rumour/gossip. Because thats all it is- your other friend is getting involved and.. causing drama? Playing match maker? Being nosey? Unless you hear from someone directly that they like you, you dont have anything to respond to.

If you had particularly strong(er) feelings for someone, you’d already be gravitating towards them. But in this case, you don’t really have anything in mind that YOU want, so dont worry about it. No pressure to act any differently- if someone likes ya, its because you’re being yourself. Not reacting to some rumours and stressing out over what you need to do now :)


Castle_of_Aaaaaaargh t1_je9wcmv wrote

Best advice is if someone cheated on you and you break up with them… stop following/stalking their social media for updates. She knows you’re watching. And either she hopes to get you back, or just hurt you so that it’s your fault and not hers for, well, ACTUALLY CHEATING.

If you think about it, this sounds like high school drama nonsense. I feel like anyone who posts targeted woe-is-me nonsense to social media is actually in the wrong, by default. Who else would stoop to such lame cries for attention?