CatpainCalamari t1_jdh5d5n wrote
Reply to comment by Remarkable-Youth-504 in [WP] No one courts death like a human. They eat food that evolved to be toxic, ingest known poison for recreation, engage in potentially lethal sport for fun, and have an incredibly high risk tolerance. On the galactic stage they are feared, admired, and generally considered crazy. by SeriousGoofball
Very nice, I can just picture this in my mind. Please more?
CatpainCalamari t1_j5lxgm6 wrote
Reply to comment by aDittyaDay in [WP] All adults can make a pilgrimage once a year to a genie and attempt to make a wish. However, the genie will only grant the wish if it's never be asked for before in all history. Most people never get their wish. On your 18th birthday you make the trip and are surprised to get your wish. by shadowkyros
I do not understand. Did she trade places with the genie?
CatpainCalamari t1_j5lwu9s wrote
Reply to [PI] In this world healers, while respected, are often looked down upon due to their limited offensive capabilities. One day your party is completely wiped out, and the world finds out just how dangerous knowledge of human anatomy can be. by IML_42
Well written and pleasant to read. Thank you!
CatpainCalamari t1_jduwq40 wrote
Reply to comment by BHawleyWrites in [WP] Years ago, your mentor said, "Kid, there's a small secret when it comes to magic. You can literally make shit up and it'll usually work. Makes the guys who actually take it seriously really pissed off." Today, you're one of the least respected, and most powerful, mages in the land. by Prompt_Dude
"No u" :-)
Very good story, I enjoyed reading it. That being said, what a nightmare world to live in.