
Chance_Phone4013 t1_jceww5z wrote

I don't know why you're getting down voted. We live in a rural area on a tough road that wreakers can't make it up until it's plowed and sanded. when the guests at the Airbnb down the road get stuck, we tell them to "walk to the farm at the bottom of the hill, ask for Dan." He's got a tractor and is always excited to help/ rib some flatlanders about not having snow tires while he pulls them out. (Without ever asking for anything but a thank you. )

People in this thread are barking about community but are to afraid to knock on their neighbors doors. I'm positive if this guy talked to even one of his neighbors his driveway would have been cleared in no time. Instead he decided to get roasted on Reddit.


Chance_Phone4013 t1_jceubuf wrote

I have a 200ft driveway with a four car landing at the top. It takes 45 minutes to snowblow it. I do it every time it snows. Last year the blower was down and we got a heavy storm, we shoveled 5'×200' to the road so we could get a car out. It took a few hours and it was hard work, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


Chance_Phone4013 t1_jccuzb0 wrote

My guy, this exact scenario happened to my wife and i last year. Long ass driveway, heavy ass snow storm, shitty ass plow driver didn't show up. We put our big boy pants on and dug a 5ft ×200ft path to the road. It took a few hours, it sucked and we were sore after but we got it done.

My wife works in a tax office. Long hours this time of year for sure. But don't tell me you can't afford an ATV with a plow. We bought one this year and she isn't even an accountant....