
CheshireCat86 t1_j50o3o7 wrote

Ghent, Belgium has 1800's style old ornate streetlamps that turn on with every child born. It's at the "Veerleplein", next to Counts Castle.

Novel, but fun to see if your having a drink at the Veerleplein and another Ghentian is born :)


CheshireCat86 t1_irqsviv wrote

No big bills, we have floor heating at 30°C. And electricity has several sources, lots of nuclear still around. Electricity has gone up, but gas has... Heh... Exploded. People struggle, yes. But it's not the end of society aa we know it as you seem to imply.

How is you health and mental healthcare coming along, by the way?


CheshireCat86 t1_irqipes wrote

Has heatpump, no problem. The UK is an island, enough wind for basically ever. Solar pannel work pretty well, ask frigging Alaska. The uk's problem is old old old housing and renovation rules that makes it hard and thus expensive.

You folded tortellini.