ChildhoodMassive t1_jdsq0un wrote
I wish more of my kids liked metal, my youngest is a Taylor Swift fan. As far removed from my favorites as can be.
Also my mom hated my music when I was in school as well. Eventually I gave her way more things to be disappointed in other than my taste in music. It'll pass
ChildhoodMassive t1_jdqepw2 wrote
Reply to Q. What do you feel when you stop and listen to songs you listened to at the peak of your teenage years? by Rae_esah
I still listen to alot of my teenage years music weekly and I'm 46. Often makes me think of simpler times with less responsibilities. Certain albums make me think of less happy times though, so I tend to stay away from them. Primus Sailing the Seas of Cheese was playing when I found out my brother had passed. It was one of my favorite cds back then. I can't listen to it to this day without getting choked up.
ChildhoodMassive t1_jdc82ah wrote
Reply to If you could hear only one artist’s discography for the rest of your life by mylowerbackhurts
Clutch, it's what I listen to most of the time anyhow
ChildhoodMassive t1_jc3yjel wrote
Bolt Thrower, Death, Nirvana, Layne Staley AIC, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots that's all I can think of off the top of my head
ChildhoodMassive t1_ixom52i wrote
Reply to CD's - Do YOU still buy them? by BladeBitten
I buy all my favorite artist albums on cd. I never open them, I just need them in case anything happens. I still have the 1000s I purchased before streaming became a thing. I buy vinyl occasionally as well even though I have nothing to play them on.
ChildhoodMassive t1_ixk8ogt wrote
45 here and I've never been one to fall in love with songs. I'm more into albums as a whole. If a song catches my attention I'll give the album and sometimes the artists whole discography a listen. Every once in a while j still find new music I'll enjoy for a long time. It's definitely less frequent the older I get though.
ChildhoodMassive t1_ix1tuu3 wrote
I start with their most played songs then if I like something there I start from the beginning of their discography and listen to everything.
ChildhoodMassive t1_iug0de1 wrote
Reply to Help with a musical study! by anon18369263
Done but not sure what it's going to help accomplish
ChildhoodMassive t1_iuah9rr wrote
Reply to I like all kinds of music by Gejitage777
Slaughter Beach or Nosferatu Madre by Clutch
Joan of arc or Revolve by The Melvins
ChildhoodMassive t1_itg3bl0 wrote
Reply to comment by Lypher01 in What albums do you keep going back to? by Jon-G1508
I am the same with Clutch, not a single album I don't revisit often.
ChildhoodMassive t1_jdsymn9 wrote
Reply to comment by JakeyBGoode in My mom hates metal and she judges me for liking it. by nat_cat1521
She isn't my thing but I wasnt knocking her or anything. My kids can listen to whatever they want as long as there is no hate speech. I just meant that it's nothing close to what I listen to and it's fine with me. OPs mom needs to chill and I'm sure with time she will.