
ChipmunkFood t1_jefzq5k wrote

Reply to comment by wpcodemonkey in In South Philly by RoughRhinos

I had an asswipe neighbor who'd always park his fucking truck and wreck branches on my tree. Maybe I should do something like the following: my parents had a tree where people would always reach up and break off branches so I got some gloppy stuff called "Tanglefoot" (to keep bugs off fruit trees) and coated the lower branches with it. So when the smacked-asses grabbed a branch they'd get this sticky-as-hell-non-water-soluable shit on their hands. The best part is that you could say "It must be sap from the tree." Yep, it stopped the morons breaking branches!


ChipmunkFood t1_je1osix wrote

I think with more accurate bombing techniques/bombsights it went away.
However a bombing plane over Philly is really no different than one of those military plane flyovers during big events. The only difference is that the new military planes could do much, much, much more damage than a dive bomber,


ChipmunkFood t1_jdvayb6 wrote

It's a dive bomber from WWII.
What's sick or nuts is how there were used.
With a dive bomber you put the plane in a dive, heading toward the target. (They have air brakes to slow the plane down, but it still is a crazy thing).
It turns out that the ballistics problem of aiming the bomb is much easier with dive bombing versus a plane dropping a bomb when flying level (Level bombing). Of course, it takes nerves of steel and titanium gonads to do a dive bombing attack.
Dive bombing was used mainly against shipping. Dive bombing was also used as a "mobile artillery" by the Germans with their (in)famous Stuka dive bomber (Ju 87). [wikipedia on Stuka] (
Other famous/infamous dive bombers were the US Douglas SBD Dauntless and Japanese Val (Aichi D3A).


ChipmunkFood t1_jd47bi8 wrote

It would be even more fun to just keep ADDING mulch.
Every day just add a little. After awhile there would be so much that they would start wondering.
Everyone is always worried about something being stolen that they don't think about something being added. I've had lots of fun leaving strange things (nothing that bad) at peoples houses when visiting. I usually will leave it in a place where they won't find it for awhile. Then they find it and wonder if it's always been there. This is really great when it's a couple living. One thinks the other put it there!
It's fun to make the world a little more surreal place!


ChipmunkFood t1_j426u6t wrote

They're around in the Wissahickon and Belmont Plateau. They're harder to find then deer since they're pretty shy and skittish - except when they have kits (baby foxes) then the Mom fox will be somewhat aggressive (but not in a dangerous way).
I once saw one on Kelly Drive near the tunnel. At first I thought it was a corgi - but then saw the long tail and thin legs. It was smart. It ran along the walkway to around the General Grant statue and then looked both ways and crossed Kelly Drive.
But they are quite beautiful. So to call someone a "fox" is a super-super compiment.


ChipmunkFood t1_iy1qlte wrote

Don't feel bad. I liked the sarcasm.
(But I did look up the word!).
I remember someone once posted on a tech help site something like:
"How do I find more information on the XYZ computer language?"
Someone else replied, "Well there's this thing called google...".
I loved that answer! Genius smartass.


ChipmunkFood t1_iwctudt wrote

I've gone a number of times years ago. It's a great time.
I found the most fun was just walking around the booths and seeing the variety of dogs. All of them are friendly so it's like one huge petting zoo.
Some of the show part seemed a little stupid with people prancing around with their dog - but it was entertaining in itself.
One great thing (if they have it) is Jack Russell racing. They have it set up so that maybe 20 Jack Russel dogs come out of chutes and chase something while jumping over little obstacles. It was really fun to watch. Those little dogs are fast as shit.
So go. You'll have a great time and the entrance fee is usually pretty cheap.