
ChrisInBaltimore t1_jbnzwt7 wrote

Few things:

  1. It is 2023. I think any “civilized” nation involved in anything that even smells like Genocide should be held accountable and yes banning from international sport may be one avenue to holding them accountable.

  2. My point was more that this is a bit hypocritical of Canadians. They want Russians banned but then 15k+ fans are cheering as Russians score goals and chasing scoring titles.

  3. I don’t know that barring anyone is the right move, at the same time. We have a lot of Russian players in the NHL that probably plan to never return to Russia. Banning them does seem like the wrong move and it’s a slippery slope. Again just calling out the hypocrisy here.


ChrisInBaltimore t1_iz6saq6 wrote

I was friends with a couple that unknowingly moved into a former meth house. It made them super sick and she miscarried pretty quickly after moving in. When they found out what it was, it was cheaper to demolish the house and start over.