
ChrisNYC70 t1_j9z6ldk wrote

WW2 question. It seemed that the USA of the 1930s and 40s values lined up perfectly with what was going on in Germany. Blacks, gays, Jews were all looked down upon , killed, arrested for various things. It seems the purification of Germany would have appealed to the USA. So my question is , if Japan had no tracked us, would America have been more sympathetic towards the Axis.

As it was we had several US Senators who were openly pro Nazi and didn’t suffer for their beliefs (except lose re election after the war ended). Did Japan “save us” from joining the bad guys.


ChrisNYC70 t1_j3nro87 wrote

Disagree. I work with a non profit that provides home care and health and wellness classes. Our nurse retired back in Feb. she loved her job with us. No bed pans. It was just meeting with clients and reviewing medications. Setting goals. 90% of the clients came to her and for home bound clients she had an Uber account for them. It was a 9-5 Monday through Friday job. Vacation, sick, health insurance, retirement plan. The works. Salary was in the low $90k.

We have always had a hard time finding nurses and it’s not the pay, location, type of job, co workers or hours. When you speak to any nursing school or temp agency they will tell you the people are not out there. Right now when we need nurses , the most over the last 10 years we have seen less and less people want to become nurses. Younger people are expected to be “more than nurses” all are pushed to go to school and get a business degree or if they have interest in medicine. It’s to be a doctor, dentist, vet even.

It’s not as simple as pay them more and they will come.


ChrisNYC70 t1_j3muct6 wrote

no more nurses to hire. the whole country has a nursing shortage. this has been the case for years and it’s getting worse when you look at the nurse per patient ratio.

what really sucks is that we have people who have immigrated from other countries. but since we refuse to allow their experience and certification to carry over these people are not eligible to work


ChrisNYC70 t1_itxltuf wrote

Subway rides have always been horrible human beings. They don’t pay. They don’t use ear buds when listening to their phone or worse have a speaker hooked up to it so we all listen to their music at top volume. They smoke in the car. They lay cross taking up two or more spaces. They throw trash on the floor. In decades of using the subway the only time that everyone was being thoughtful and considerate and obeying the rules of civilization was during the peak of Covid when I was the only one in a car.