
t1_j6oubid wrote

There's everything in a short story, it'll cost you like a dollar (maybe 0 if you find it online) and a short read, but there's: Space spider, a male-only moon country, centaurs, a giant whale, fish people LIVING in the giant whale.... I read it and i was in awe, like whoever did the translation from old Greek to English did an amazing job, my first read of 2023 and a great start, not to mention it's over 1800 years old which still baffles me, you'd think we'd have changed a lot in nearly 2 millenia, nope, i bet we shitposted just as hard back then, they probably had lol too...


t1_j6lyu8o wrote

It apparently came out but we've not found a surviving copy, Lucian of Samosata's "A True Story"

It's one of the oldest recorded sci-fi stories, written in 200 BC and a parody of travelodges that were popular at the time, but it's was just such an enjoyable read, it's wild, he teases a continuity in the story but we haven't found any surviving copies.

I recommend it, short read and wild, like 1800 years later we have these similar ideas and it's crazy to think. xD


t1_iu7qd9z wrote

I had to read that book when i was in sixth grade and HATED it. I get it was about the systemic racism but I've been brought up without the idea of racism, I'm Canadian and my grandparents never spoke I'll of foreigners.

I did re-read it later on in life and understood it much better, still don't like the book, hate the way it's written and i still find it trash, but i understood the contexts better. i will say that i hated about 90% of the books i was forced to read as a child and i much prefer reading what I'm interested in. If you want to see systemic racism, just crack open a book of medical ethic history... The tsukegee study, the lead paint research study, the list goes far and makes you go, what the f**k is wrong with us


t1_iu3go2u wrote

Lots of practice, I've been fortunate to be born in the military, so i had a disciplined father and access to more tools (ie a doctor that specializes in ADHD that gave me multiple strategies to help cope) it usually is shrinking down goals into smaller chunks and writing down the entire chunk line to do the thing, so to do grocery, it's plan my menu, figure out what foods i already have, make the list, figure out the space i need (i often walk) go to the store, buy and return, put away the stuff.

For most people it's go and get grocery.