
Citysurvivor t1_itr0q9n wrote

It's not a money issue. Even a profit-driven aviation industry still cares about safety to some degree, because the public is deathly afraid of flying and any perception of danger leads to cancelled tickets and lost profits.

It just so happens that there are better ways to make a plane safer than to implement ejection seats, which (by the way) tend to break bones and ligaments in the spine. Maybe it would be better to prevent the need to eject from a plane in the first place.


Citysurvivor t1_itqy8w3 wrote

Not really. Most accidents happen near the ground, rather unsurprisingly, where the planes are going (relatively) slow because they intend to land or are only just starting to pick up speed to take off. Not to mention the speed limits set by law when operating near airports and at low altitudes.