
ConradSchu t1_jeaz6hv wrote

Because the big crash was followed the very next day with the largest intraday swing (upward) in market history. Considering it was day 2 of the crash, I thought it was a dead cat bounce. So I was trying to buy puts.

If you look at the charts for those first two weeks, each huge dip is immediately followed by an equal rally (fed injecting QE). It destroyed the put positions I was able to get (they were long term though) and heavily contributed to today's soaring inflation.


ConradSchu t1_je9rjlj wrote

Oh man I remember that day so well. Tried so hard to get my positions in but couldn't. Robinhood initially was going to offer some sort of compensation for those who tried to take positions but couldn't and I submitted a ticket for it.

They responded with a list of my attempted trades and asked which one I felt I lost potential money on. They were all puts. Every one. I would've lost a lot of money if they went through. The outtage saved me money. So I decided we were even and closed the ticket.


ConradSchu t1_iwyktlh wrote

They've done stupid stunts like this since the Cold War. They have also made extremely close and reckless maneuvers with their ships too.

They act like a bully, and there's only way to deal with a bully. Turkey shot down a Russian jet after having its airspace violated repeatedly. Lo and behold, they stop violating Turkey's airspace.