
t1_jaf4fd5 wrote

You shouldn't sacrifice your life and happiness for someone else. Right now, you are enabling him to wallow in his misery, if you weren't there for him, maybe he would be forced to make some changes, or maybe not. You can only control your actions; you can't control his. Leave him and find your own happiness. If you feel compelled to do so you can still check up on him to see how he is doing and encourage him to make some changes.

He is a grown man and is responsible for his own well being. You can't force him to get help or do anything else. He has to choose his own way forward. You suffering alongside him isn't helping him. You don't have the power to make him well, nor are you responsible for his depression. He has to choose to get help. You need to move on.


t1_jaf28xd wrote

I am 56 and your mom is not an old woman. She needs to get out and make friends. Get a part time job, volunteer, join groups that have similar interests, take a class, join a gym, attend a church. find some outside activities that she enjoys.

Since she lives in such a rural area, it might be a good idea to move to where there are more opportunities to participate in social activities. She may even enjoy something like mmorpg once she was introduced to it. There are facebook groups that are for specific cities/areas or for specific interests that she could find local meet ups.

Don't sacrifice your life for your mom. She has options, she has to decide what the rest of her life will be. I encourage my 26 year old daughter to be independent and to chase her dreams. The time for her to make mistakes is now, while I am here to pick up the pieces if needed. I am her safety net if she needs it. She isn't my safety net.


t1_jaezfs2 wrote

I have never split bills with dates. I ask for a separate bill when I order, that way I only pay for what I order. Before I tell the wait staff what I will eat, I say "mine will be on a separate check". You need to speak up in the beginning.

Sometimes I go out with friends or family just to spend time with them at a restaurant I don't like and will just order fries, soup, or side salad. I don't like to waste money on food I don't like. Everyone I eat with will say separate check or the two of us are on one check. It isn't a big deal at all. Restaurants and bars are used to it.

You need to tell your BF how much you make, why keep it a secret? He may have no idea that you are struggling.


t1_j6mr2vq wrote

Tell him no. If he is able to threaten to end the relationship if you don't do what he wants and it works. It is likely he will use this tactic again. If he ends the relationship over this then I don't believe he loves you.

You moving in with him is in his best interest, not yours. He is being very self-centered. Everything is about him and what he needs.

His plan to spit the bills is also not fair. It sure does benefit him though. Here is a fairer way to split the bills.

Call his bluff on moving out, if he breaks up with you over this then he doesn't love you. Don't let him put you in a position where he calls the shots because you are desperate to keep the relationship at all costs, and he can throw it away whenever he feels like it.


t1_j6m2b1g wrote

Don't give in to ultimatums, it sets a precedent. He is threatening to end your relationship if you don't do what he wants. That does not sound like love, it sounds like manipulation and coercion.

Do not let him dictate terms to you. A relationship is supposed to be a partnership. He has no right to control you so that he doesn't have to deal with financial hardship. He can find a studio apartment or a trailer to rent.


t1_j2dgy1d wrote

It sounds like he has no proof a child exists. I would ask for a copy of the birth certificate. Then I would check to see if the birth certificate was recorded with vital records/dept of health. Make sure the dates line up and that the one sent to you has not been doctored.

If everything lines up then you need to get a dna test. If in the U.S. she can sign up for child support and you may get one for free, or you can pay for one on your own. Do not sign or agree to anything without an attorney.