
Cosmonaut15 t1_iudekax wrote

That should be said for our entire economy!!!!

Western overconsumption is criminal. It starts at the top our systems are all built around it - from food to transit. All at a cost to consumers and our environment!!!

It's tragically poetic that the economy seems to be collapsing in tandem with our environment. This capitalist system is not sustainable.


Cosmonaut15 t1_iud9ol2 wrote

Ok. That's still an unfathomable, dire scenario full of untold suffering for all life on the planet. Have some humanity.

We have to address overconsumption first. We can't innovate around the fact that western society is consuming far beyond their needs while feeling the LEAST impact compared to poor countries with competitively nonexistent emission levels. Again, have some humanity.


Cosmonaut15 t1_iud99y0 wrote

I just explained how politicians are paid off by oil lobbyists to purposefully fail to act. If the media was accurately portraying the severity of the issue, the public would in a total rage. The media ignores these issues, and whether you care to admit it or not much of the media STILL pushes misinformation that climate change even exists going so far as to ridicule the idea. The US public is COMPLETELY disarmed in terms of information and awareness. They are sleep walking onto a busy highway.

Those Activists are desperately trying to make headlines to bring attention to this critical issue which that powers at be choose to ignore for profit every single day.

Now explain what's idiotic about that be specific. If you're here to deny the immediate threat of climate induced extinction then feel free to carry on.


Cosmonaut15 t1_iud6k7w wrote

Plus we really need to stop reducing animals to objects or tools. It's culturally barbaric imo. We've normalized this abuse for too long. I'll be damned if we're going to let greedy capitalists reduce humanity to that kind of tribal nonsense.


Cosmonaut15 t1_iud6c0t wrote

I mean yeah plant oils are pretty impactful no denying that. Still though. ONE FIFTH of habitable land for meat agriculture is a horrifying statistic that's only getting worse as populations decrease and the ONLY excuse is capitalist greed.


Cosmonaut15 t1_iud18qf wrote

No time to waste. That's why I support people throwing soup at paintings because most of us do not get the severity of the issue or the difficulty in changing it. Or they don't care which is just suicidal and dumb.


Cosmonaut15 t1_iuczm78 wrote

I love the idea of a carbon tax. The key really is political corruption. Neither party would hurt their corporate donors like that. Even as the oil industry sells us out with price gouging, even as they lie about the impact of emissions, both parties leadership upholds this suicidal status quo. HOW CAN THEY SLEEP AT NIGHT???

I will say firmly and adamantly that the leadership of both parties are knowingly complicit in our extinction. This is genocide. The US oligarchy must be destroyed.

People need to rise together and demand or remove financial incentives and corruption from our political system. People need to demand accountability for our attempted murder. THAT'S THE ONLY WAY WE SURVIVE.


Cosmonaut15 t1_iucy45c wrote

Meat agriculture accounts for 1/5 of HABITABLE land. Due to "growth economics" the industry must always expand... Even though populations are currently declining we need to expand meat production because of misguided, and totally destructive capitalist principals. People must understand the immediate impact of letting the meat industry get away with destroying our planet for profits.