
CrimsonFantomas OP t1_jdq0ebn wrote

Arkane games are good. But I have seen the recent reviews from and I'm not impressed. Regarding Starfield, well how many games we had released dates that postponed, and even with that, were terrible. (Hi cyberpunk 2077).

And my biggest concern is that if I wanted to play same games that I have on pc, I would get a pc. They promised to add cool games on gamepass, and buying those studios, they promised a lot of games. But at the end we got wo long, atomic heart, forza, halo, gears and pretty much that's it.


CrimsonFantomas t1_jdo5ivn wrote

Xbox series X owner here. No doubt, get the PS5. There is literally no games for Xbox that are worth the money. And as far as things are going. There won't be any good games any time soon. Considering to ditch the Xbox and buy PS5. Feel sad thinking that I wasted money on Xbox