CrunchyCowz t1_isbdh54 wrote
Reply to TIL the Madvillainy album by MF DOOM and Madlib was made with just a $13,000 budget and a contract that was written and signed on a paper plate. by GoodSamaritan_
"Villain get the money like curls, they just trying to get a nut like squirrels in this mad world."
CrunchyCowz t1_iy9qwbx wrote
Reply to comment by Khontis in TIL Robert W. Service sent his poems to his father to be printed and given as gifts to friends. Service received back an offer of royalties for publication, the printers had loved the poems, The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses was an immediate success and Service quit his bank job the next year. by jamescookenotthatone
I needed this, thank you!