
Crusty_Nostrils t1_jdgyh17 wrote

No, it has the guts, legs, and head on one end and then a sausage of muscle through which runs the alimentary tract. If you pull off the head and legs and carefully extract the guts you'll be left with the meaty part


Crusty_Nostrils t1_j5s6oam wrote

Having a high energy dog helps with this if you're the right type of mindset to take advantage of it. It's like living with an endlessly optimistic hairy little gym bro who forces you to go out to exercise every day. They will learn special passive aggressive ways of annoying you that make it easier to just take them exercising rather than deal with the consequences of neglecting them. And IMO there's no better feeling than crossing those training milestones that mean you can trust your dog, can give them responsibilities, and knowing they've got your back no matter what.


Crusty_Nostrils t1_iurkwym wrote

6500 what the fuck? I know Qatar is a slave trading backwater but 6500 seems unlikely


It's real and the figures are from credible sources. The mainstream media not widely reporting on this while covering Qatar is malpractice imo