
CruxCapacitors t1_j8t1c7h wrote

I dislike your focus on the legal use of "free will" because the legal system, particularly in the US (which is where you're citing cases from), has a very poor, punitive prison system that has terrible recidivism rates. I can't help but feel that if more people realized that compatibilism is flawed, we might be able to better rehabilitate people.


CruxCapacitors t1_iydf4oi wrote

Google Home here, but pretty much the same. I like having them around for those functions (and even upgraded some of them to have better music quality in those rooms where I can't be bothered to hook up devices to play lossless music), as well as an intercom system so that I don't have to yell or knock on their door every time I need someone's attention, but I otherwise don't really require much out of them.

If they increased the price though, I'm not sure I'd bother. Less functionality and higher prices is hardly a consumer friendly strategy.