
Cult_ureS t1_j9vdmxx wrote

It's already been said that this won't work. However, an enclosure around the printer and a high quality HEPA filter should work, although it's not specifically my background. Just trying to give an idea you can take to them, if you find out it will work. Sucks that they're forcing this on you, but office politics are finicky and it's better to offer a solution when saying no.

Edit: HEPA may not be ideal. Here's a blog post to get you started on filters that might work.


Cult_ureS t1_j9leimw wrote

> I'm suspicious of the train derailments and believe that it might be related to domestic terrorism that our government is keeping quiet while they investigate. I'm suspicious of our government in general.

Did you know The Bureau of Transportation Statistics records 54,539 train derailments between 1990 to 2021, an average of 1,704 per year?

> But without enough evidence to make a factual claim, I'm going to keep that as a suspicion and not run around claiming that it's a fact. I think that's what separates reasonable suspicion from conspiracy theorists.

Most people think the same, until it hits mainstream or alt media and their social group starts repeating it, then suddenly it's nearly indisputable fact to them.

We can be suspicious of the government, and we can be suspicious of media, but it's important to realize when things seem to be synchronously happening, and have been in the media at the same time, that it's likely not the cause/effect we may think it is.

‘If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it.’


Cult_ureS t1_j9jml1h wrote

Edit: I need to preface this comment. There are Theories about Conspiracies, like the Iran Contra affair, the Snowden leaks, Iraq WMD to control the oil, etc. Then there are Conspiracy Theories like the elites secretly being aliens or COVID being an intentional planned and sanctioned release to control the Earth's population. These are not the same. They often get lumped in together, and perhaps that's by design.

This should be common sense but science always needs to be confirmed.

The core subconscious reason behind believing in (untrue) conspiracy theories is the desire to know something others don't. If you buy into the deeper theories with no basis in known reality (i.e. world governments are ultimately controlled by aliens) then your brain is telling your ego that you have more knowledge and power than the 99% of the population ("the sheep") and you are aware, while they are simply not intelligent enough to see, not as intelligent as you.

There are other factors at play, mainly distrust of authority, and there certainly are real conspiracies involving the elites of the world, but for the vast majority of 'conspiracy theorists' that seek out and identify with obscure conspiracy theories with no basis in reality, it's a self-protection mechanism. Likely stemming from not enough social bonding / support network - either in childhood or later on.

I've never had a solid logical debate with anyone calling someone a sheep.