Curious4NotGood t1_iw43fz7 wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzlesocks in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
> Sex and gender being separate is true, but just means guys can be feminine and girls can be masculine.
Nope, it means males can be women, and females can be men.
>It does not mean that these things are arbitrary categorizations.
They are
>I mean if you actually are trans, you should know better than anyone that we call these "treatments" feminizing and masculinizing for a reason.
That's just faulty naming, feminizing is a biological term, while being feminine is a behavior. Unless you think all feminine men have vaginas.
>You aren't changing your sex, you are changing how you appear to others.
You're changing a lot of your sex as well, sex is a lotta things, primary sex characterestics (chromosomes, hormones, organs) and secondary characterestics (body fat ratio, metabolism, hair growth, voice, breast growth, etc).
And every one of them changes with hormones and surgery except for chromosomes.
>You don't get to destroy other peoples protected categories without reprisal just because of your feelings.
Exactly, trans women deserve the same as cis women, because trans women are women, regardless of how you feel about it.
Curious4NotGood t1_iw3saal wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzlesocks in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
>Sure, we can just forget the literal mountain of evidence showing how men are not women /s
You consider trans women as "men" just like how racists considered black women as "too mannish" and subsequently segregated them.
>I just want to be clear that what you are pretending is true is completely and totally baseless.
Which part? Pretty sure it is backed up by most medical organizations that sex and gender are separate, so males can be women and females can be men.
>I'm not going to waste time arguing with your ideological foundation, but I highly recommend you don't speak on these subjects until you have ANY proof of theory.
I have a lot of experience on this subject, i used to transition :D
>I can hold a competition to say blue is the best shade of red, but it doesn't change the fact that these are different wavelengths.
Yeah, but humans are not as simple as different wavelengths of light are they?
Curious4NotGood t1_iw3kso2 wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzlesocks in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
>It's quite another to pretend a man is actually a woman to the point of giving them money meant for women's scholarships.
They are women, so they deserve those scholarships, but i'm pretty sure that's not a huge issue.
>I'm not scholar of Orwell, but I'm pretty certain he's be against calling things what they obviously aren't.
I'm pretty sure he would, he was pretty progressive, but we will never know.
>Just imagine how it feels for those girls to be basically told they are less attractive than an obese man in a dress?
They probably feel happy for that other girl, literally no one except you has an issue with that.
> It's not that long ago that this would have been a gigantic insult to women, now I guess it's seen as "progress".
Yes, it is progress, trans women are being able to not only participate, but also win these competitions. The freedom of society can only be measured by how we treat its most stigmatized people.
Curious4NotGood t1_iw0klrl wrote
Reply to comment by RexBlackwood in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
Unironically quoting George Orwell as if he would be a transphobe, he was progressive and definitely saw trans people as who they are.
Curious4NotGood t1_iw6h4w8 wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzlesocks in Transgender model wins local 'Miss America' pageant for the first time ever by uzernaimed
If you disagree with scientific evidence, doesn't make the evidence not true.