
CuriousRelish t1_jatoif3 wrote

How are you going to have ink put under your skin and then go full Shocked Pikachu when it doesn't fade exactly when and how you want it to? People like this are the reason we have "hot beverage" warnings on fresh coffee.

Edit: And these morons signed paperwork stating they understood the tattoos could fade over an unknown time frame and then want to take "legal measures" because the thing in the paperwork they signed was true.


CuriousRelish t1_j7xem4z wrote

Why would it be traumatic to find out you have a lot of half-siblings? I can easily imagine it would be disappointing, or exciting, depending on how you feel about missing out on time with them vs the possibility of future time with them.

I wonder if DNA ancestry testing is popular in Australia. It would be really cool if these places that provide donor services were able/willing to provide recipients or the offspring with free test kits to help avoid unpleasant surprises.


CuriousRelish t1_j402ucv wrote

IIRC most states still have no law against parents hiring the people who assault and kidnap the kids who are then taken into and further victimized by the troubled teen industry.

Parents have literally no excuse at this point. The rape, assault, starvation, and attempted murders committed against these teenagers is well documented. They're paying people to assault and torture their children in every way possible.