Cynykl t1_ja6xpgt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Make sure you get a clean shot off, this guy is known for surviving some pretty serious shit by Manfrenjensenjen
Lich make no sense he was purportedly a priest not a wizard.
Zombie make more sense. Not the night of the living dead zombie but the Serpent and the Rainbow zombie. Voodoo zombies are killed and rise a few days later to bust their way out of the grave. They have the same mental capacity that they had in life.
Cynykl t1_j5p6aee wrote
Nord VPN sales just skyrocket on that campus.
Cynykl t1_j22ikbp wrote
Reply to comment by WorldlyCaregiver in Steven Spielberg apologises to sharks for Jaws by GrievousInflux
Speaking of R34. In a recent NPR interview the host asked Spielberg if he was aware of the porn parody "Shaving Ryan's Privates". Struck me as an odd question coming from an NPR show.
Found it in the transcript:
GROSS: I've saved this question for the end because it's a very, very important question - very profound, if I might brag. So are you aware, and I assume you may be, that a lot of porn films satirize the titles of real films or satirize the films themselves. And when John Waters was on our show - this was an interview years ago - he said his favorite was "Shaving Ryan's Privates." And there's actually not only a porn film named that, there's a documentary about porn films that satirize real films, and that film, that documentary is titled "Shaving Ryan's Privates." Did you know about that?
SPIELBERG: No (laughter). Not until this very moment. Wow.
GROSS: I told you it was profound.
SPIELBERG: Well, you know, a lot of my films have had, you know, funny and sometimes a little bit of antisemitic uses of the title. So I just never heard that one before.
Cynykl t1_iwydz5l wrote
Reply to comment by Half-Elite in Maker of suicide pod plans to launch in Switzerland by GeneralGigan817
Because someone in pain should not be forced to experience pain for decades when there is a humane way to end that pain.
Cynykl t1_iwyds5i wrote
Reply to comment by ZY_Qing in Maker of suicide pod plans to launch in Switzerland by GeneralGigan817
I don't know why you are being downvoted. People who are in constant suffering should be able to end their lives too. Whether that suffering is mental of physical should not matter. All that should matter is they have no path to end the suffering as all forms of treatment have failed.
Cynykl t1_iwyc8ls wrote
Reply to comment by throwawayyourfun in NFL Linebacker Found $672K Pokemon Card And Abruptly Retired by Flankerooski719
Oh sure CTE might be real but what is your opinion on werewolves and vampires. That is what the public really wants to know.
Edit: I am gonna leave this here even though after posting it I noticed a bunch of people saying the same thing. This post will remind me to scroll before I type.
Cynykl t1_ivdxevw wrote
Reply to comment by Kamwind in Ugandan women drugs and robs men who suck her laced nipples. by insideoutcognito
I dont know why you are being downvoted. It is clearly a bait and switch.
Cynykl t1_je3ucj9 wrote
Reply to comment by eLishus in Only Alcohol Free Bar in Dublin Closes its Doors by patdshaker
> Open mic nights (poems, comedy, acoustic guitar), food truck Fridays, taco Tuesdays, etc
That is called a coffee shop.
This is a concept trying to fill roles already filled better by other venues.