
DC8008008 t1_iycvacu wrote

Great points from someone who actually uses the park and understands how awful this design is. I will probably avoid the area completely on the weekends because it will be a disaster.


DC8008008 t1_iyatyl0 wrote


DC8008008 t1_iya1v50 wrote

Again, you're fixated on white cyclists for some reason. But if you ever spent time in the park you will see people of all races cycling and walking around the park. How dare they want to do that safely!

And last I checked owning a car is a lot more expensive than owning a pair of tennis shoes or a bike.


DC8008008 t1_iy9ubwk wrote

>I'm 100% in favor of the bike lane. It makes things safer for everybody.

Cars are the problem in the park. Cars are what killed 2 pedestrians last year. This paint on the road does nothing to solve the problem.


DC8008008 t1_iy9ojye wrote


DC8008008 t1_iy9duag wrote

And since you're the one that brought up race, the 2 pedestrians who were murdered last year by a car in the park were black. Yet when I simply said "ban cars" you went immediately to "only white people on bikes" will be allowed in the park. Air-tight logic on that one!