t1_j914oz9 wrote

We are the same person , I basically did all this until I finally figured my shit out in my. Late 20s early 30s , and I mean all of it was a DJ and all and even considered going back to school to be an audio engineer kind of jealous you did it.

Anyway I wish I could have a conversation with you because i feel like I could tell you my story and, In short I’m 40 and successful now. It sounds like your interpersonal skills out way those of the average person, have you considered a sales job? Most companies will higher people with no experience, and life experiences like the one your telling here can and will open doors for you especially when your back on track , people love hearing from rags to riches stuff. Good luck man the best advise I can give you is you got nothing to lose and only to gain.

Last but not least find a mentor: it’s the quickest path to success.