DaBoonDaBang t1_jcxfggo wrote
Reply to 'Luna', painted by me, 2021 by LittleLachrymose
Very satisfying to look at, almost feels familiar and immediately gave me a strong dose of nostalgia which is my favorite feeling to experience so thank you!
DaBoonDaBang t1_jdza9oc wrote
Reply to The goalposts for "I'll believe it's real AI when..." have moved to "literally duplicate Einstein" by Yuli-Ban
We will keep moving the goalposts until we have created God, then we get bored and start over again.
This is something I have burned so many calories thinking about and I somehow always end up in a place like this, typing vague ideas out to strangers on the internet, no better off than before.
Looking forward to all of the new AI generated Fleshlight designs though, going to be exciting regardless of all the existential dread I'll be pumping into them every waking second.