
DaFunkyCake t1_jdtgrd2 wrote

When I speak a word an image usually forms in your head, this is the concept of the word, when you have the wrong image it is called a misconception. I think they're people who are under the illusory that when the people of England asked their King when in response to what they wanted "translate the bible" they were disingenuous in their pursuit, rather I think much goes misheard and unheard in the text due to lazy thinking producing limitations in people's perception, and in some cases the chicanery of supercilious individuals intent on sophistry. When someone says "ask it shall be given unto you;" in Matthew 7:7 all that is to be conveyed to you is yet to have been reported, the very next line is seek and you shall find, and my best interpretation of studying the language of the time, and the original greek is seek to see what my word says about it, that in this one verse alone a huge misrepresentation is possible by leaving out key contextual information. The book was written as a letter and piece of legislation from an eternal government. Even though the sentence has ended the very next thing is modifying and clarifying the intent of the author, and that is not even the whole verse. Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" The opening line in Jesus's preaching, when he began to preach is "repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." See. Matthew 4:17 Repent: to change your mind, to change your ways to believe in Jesus and what he said who is himself equated as being the New Testament itself and the Word, message, and Logos: λόγος of the Living God Elohim. (See John 1:1 & 14) Note: When someone asks for forgiveness at each point in the past you did something wrong you wish you had done the right thing. There is a repetitious phrase repeated throughout the four gospels "The Kingdom of Heaven is like" that in the parables of the Kingdom if I take God seriously, with time and the grace of God by meditating on the stories I should in time come to an assertation about the meaning it portrays and how it applies to the world I live in since the Government of Heaven is forever. One such parable in Luke 11 adds another piece to this multilayered puzzle, that a man because of his "importunity": persistence, and his ability to ask more than once, and to the number necessary, got what he wanted, by knocking on the door of someone's house. I'll share with you I think for most men if I said there is gold at X marks the spot, most will dig a couple of feet and say there is none here he lied to us, stopping themselves; when in actuality 10 feet down a mountain of it existed. Such is the case why few men find life by choosing the narrow road that leads to it, due to the hardness of many hearts preventing some to reify the truth of God properly and for the better into their lives by way of Loving God, and people as themselves. When I look at history, intelligent, cognizant, cooperative humanity has not been around that long, and the advancement in language needed to take place so that when God took the seeds he planted in Abraham, Noah, and Moses a New Covenant, Agreement, and testament could be made so that now the whole world, both Jew and Gentile could be brought in and saved through Jesus his only begotten son, and the intents of God could be made known. Now parts of the Old are germane and applicable but it takes a learned eye to discern what and which. Now, some laugh me to scorn, being incorrigible because they love wickedness and do not love the truth, seeking lawlessness: the working of Iniquity: ἀνομία against God. Read for me... Psalms 1 Matthew 4:4 Proverbs 4:7 Isaiah 28:9-10 James 3:16, John 3:16


DaFunkyCake t1_jdkh7kf wrote

Well, I guess some think that, but what you don't know can kill you. You believe these evolutionists?: They say, humans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years? They say, the human brain-sized doubled 40000 years ago? I think contrary to them the stage was set before you got to the play. Be prudent to prophesy. God wanted to know who thought being a good person is important.


DaFunkyCake t1_jdiqcny wrote

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth In him should not perish but have everlasting life." Grace is that which is not deserved and yet given anyway. Mercy is when God gets in front of what you do deserve. God is fiercely protective for that which he finds to be his own, and will requite them that are faithful unto he, yea, those who have not begun negativity, pessimism, and resentful natures and spew not a copiousness of uncaring selfishness, the workers of iniquity who see it right to do wrong in the sight of the Lord and change not their ways, who say none shall see my wrong and Love is of no importance. Pray for wisdom and treasure God with all the heart, read the KJV and study diligently that none of you be deceived. Read even this. Isaiah 28:9-10 Matthew 4:4 Proverbs 4:7 Psalms 1 Hebrews 11:1 & 6


DaFunkyCake t1_jdgfcws wrote

James 3:16 "For where envying and strife is there is confusion and every kind of evil work ." All sins require a little bit of uncaring selfishness to accomplish, either to God or to neighbors. Matthew 4:17 "For at about that time Jesus began to preach, repent the Kingdom of heaven is at hand." Repent: to change your mind, to change your ways to believe in Jesus and what he said who is himself equated as being the New Testament itself and the Word, message, and Logos: λόγος of the Living God Elohim. (See John 1:1 & 14) Note: When someone ask for forgiveness at each point in the past you did something wrong you wish you had done the right thing. Love Jesus, build hope faith and trust on his word. God wanted to know who thought being a good person is important. Read the KJV and pray for wisdom
