
Dagmar_Overbye t1_j972di4 wrote

Owls are also a symbol of the supernatural otherworld in the show Twin Peaks. Are we just listing fictional things that owls are a part of? I can go on.

And yeah I know there was and probably is still a group of nerds who go by illuminati and rich people have a little burning man party called bohemian Grove but since you replied like this I highly doubt you think that's all those things are.


Dagmar_Overbye t1_iue5fsh wrote

Weirding me out how many people share that experience of seeing "shadow people" in this comment section as well. I strongly recommend against trying sleep deprivation though it took me weeks to feel normal again and it's very certainly just a trick your brain is playing on you. Plus I'd never have made it 4 days without the aforementioned stimulants which I also do not recommend.


Dagmar_Overbye t1_iudpj9o wrote

Not OP but I once did 4 days. Days 1 and 2 I worked but also had the assistance of a certain white powder. Once that ran out I had two more days off and for some reason I just could not fall asleep. Day 3 was mostly spent in kind of a semi conscious haze, I very well may have been slipping into a few moments of microsleep but from my memory I was awake the entire day.

Day 4 is when it got weird. I started having conversations with people who weren't there. I did actually experience the feeling of there being some sort of beings looking at me from around every corner. You could catch just a glimpse of them and then they'd quickly dart away. I paced around my apartment for hours looking for them. Hiding in bathrooms or closets didn't work because you knew they were just behind the door, waiting for you to open the door and cheekily dart around the corner. They had long limbs and strange mask like faces that I guess kind of looked like those African tribal masks you can see in museums.

Not sure what happened but I ended up sleeping for nearly 48 hours and woke up in a bundle of clothes in the corner of my closet surrounded by rambling notes and drawings of the things I had been seeing.

This is when I ended up going to a doctor and finding out I have bipolar disorder. Get some sleep people and if you start to see things please contact a medical professional.