
Dead_Purple t1_jbyj3s5 wrote

It looks like it's about to take a dump on the bed, but if I was in this situation, I'd close my eyes and just clean up in the morning.


Dead_Purple t1_jb57tgz wrote

Sure I most likely would end up murdered or spirited away, but I'd let you be my date. A bonus if you actually attacked the other guests at the prom. Especially Francis. Good I hated that guy.

Sorry had to unload there...


Dead_Purple t1_j5k8kcb wrote

Reminds me of the time I used to hang out at this park across the street near a friend's house. We get stoned and hang out in the fields. One time when Salvia wasn't yet outlawed I tried some and spaced out looking at the trees, that was one bad trip.