Deadofnight109 t1_iv7w7wp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in El Paso High School students may have to retake SATs after tests fly out of UPS truck by Abortionofrights
It's 100% true. We're not allowed to use mailboxes. But then again there's plenty of lazy drivers out there that cut corners wherever they can. Depending on how much the local post office cares, they will collect any packages ups/fedex puts in a mailbox and call them to come get them.
Deadofnight109 t1_it8xypl wrote
Reply to comment by kickerua in 8K Industry Faces Challenge with New EU Regulatory Ruling by SalmonellaTizz
You're right, distance is also a factor. Was thinking more along the lines of across the room. Although as someone who uses my 55" 4k TV as a monitor from across the room I couldn't imagine sitting that close to it lol. I think you have to be closer then like 5ft to notice the difference on a 60"tv.
Deadofnight109 t1_it8s8zn wrote
Reply to comment by vinraven in 8K Industry Faces Challenge with New EU Regulatory Ruling by SalmonellaTizz
I think the only advantage to having an 8k screen is when the screen size starts getting massive. Like bigger then any home tvs. So it'll be good for say, theaters or big signage but totally useless in home.
Deadofnight109 t1_j2nnpeg wrote
Reply to comment by Jewrisprudent in How many of these recessed lights can I use on a dimmer switch? by notscammed
100%, I spent the extra for the color hues mostly for all the color temperature settings. The main lights rarely use the full color settings. But it sure is nice when I need some extra visibility that I can change everything to a nice crisp cool white.