
DeathGPT t1_je3dm3z wrote

Yes, but they won’t go out of their way to prevent natural disasters as it fuels political discourse even when the technology for super computers is here, pretty sure they could handle tornado and rain but they won’t. There’s many ideas in the scientific community for resolving tornados and other natural disasters but they won’t even attempt it.


DeathGPT t1_jc2doq9 wrote

I completely understand where you're coming from, and I agree that it's important to recognize that responsibility doesn't lie with only one individual. When we say "don't hate the player, hate the game", what we mean is that we shouldn't blame individuals for the flaws in a system, but rather look at the systemic issues that are causing those flaws.

I think you all seem to forget, Elon pretty much Saved Ukraine on the battlefield with the release of Starlink. But ohh just forget about his good contributions like good little basement commies who repeat the same mainstream ideas on a daily. If 90% of your thoughts are someone else’s, or just ideas perpetuated from an assortment of Redditers and tweeters - become original.


DeathGPT t1_jc23yhd wrote

Okay poop-machine, pretty sure Elon is just another cog in the machine of capitalism that has led the brutality of corrupt success in America.

Don’t hate the player being Elon, hate the game being corporate America and the gov. for allowing people Like Elon to succeed.


DeathGPT t1_j6ovt8e wrote

But what about the people that don’t use ChatGPT or they use Grammarly and the algorithm says they have a 70% match, then what? Make them redo the assignment? How is that fair?

Then what I gave you as a prompt, would reduce the detection from the algorithm to 0% so your point is flawed in the fact most of these detect ChatGPT software/sites are open to the public rather than a proprietary one only academia has access to.

Per openai ceo, humans adapted to using calculators in class, this will be true with ChatGPT.


DeathGPT t1_j6o1ept wrote

ChatGPT revise this with two grammatical errors, one UK word, one run on sentence, and write it to be less detectable by ChatGPT detectors. Write it how a human college student would write it. <0%. This is why the founder of OpenAi said it’s impossible to detect. Plus, unless you have 100% detectability you can always deny. Without 100% proof, colleges can’t say without a doubt you cheated and that’s the main issue.

These colleges doing this are just for fun and to waste tax payer dollars.