Derped_my_pants t1_jcbwsnw wrote
I would assume this is not interpretable to the average person.
Derped_my_pants t1_jcbwftg wrote
Reply to [OC] MCU vs. DCU in Rotten Tomatoes by theotheredmund
Thought Shang-chi was meh. Impressed it was so well received.
Derped_my_pants t1_iyo0uqi wrote
Reply to [OC] Birth months of FIFA World Cup players. The top three are January, February and March, possibly due to the "Relative age effect" by desfirsit
Would be even better if could be corrected for relative worldwide birth rates per month. For example, September appears to spike, but I recall births being higher in the northern hemisphere in September
Derped_my_pants t1_iuevgmw wrote
Reply to comment by ekso69 in [OC] visited a video game museum today this is the original master copy of DOOM 2 by kriskirby86
Doom Final and Doom 64 would like a word.
Derped_my_pants t1_jccmgx1 wrote
Reply to comment by thedapdude in Frequency of Global Terrorist Attacks 2000-2020 [OC] by thedapdude
Did you upload the new version? Good job.