Desert_Rush39 t1_j0vc38g wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: this rat with a knife by invisibledirigible
"Despite my great life, I am still just a rat with a knife"
Desert_Rush39 t1_j0mgmu8 wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: Cat in a tunnel by chris514001
"And here we have a Domestic Catopus. Relatively harmless in a calm state. But when angered, it becomes the most fearsome predator."
Desert_Rush39 t1_j00ffsq wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: This Praying Mantis by RiddleTower
***I'M FABULOUS!!!***
Desert_Rush39 t1_ixr7p85 wrote
Reply to comment by Wren1101 in PsBattle: cat behind a cat by Scaulbylausis
u/Red_tinder has you covered.
Desert_Rush39 t1_ixqur6v wrote
Reply to comment by ApiContraption in PsBattle: cat behind a cat by Scaulbylausis
This image doesn't need photoshop. Two orange brothers planning how to dominate your heart, and steal all the treats!
Desert_Rush39 t1_ixbanhu wrote
Reply to comment by crazym108 in PsBattle: Tibetan Fox by noire_cotic
Agreed. Miss that distinctive voice and manner.
Desert_Rush39 t1_j0wqbj7 wrote
Reply to comment by invisibledirigible in PsBattle: this rat with a knife by invisibledirigible
My niece raised ratties. They are hilariously adorable, and can definitely try your patience.
Kelyn looks like the master of the house!