DeusExLibrus t1_j68w8m9 wrote
Reply to Dickens' David Copperfield: Were men more affectionate with each other in the 18th century? by angelojann
Simply put, yes. This obsession with not being perceived as gay is incredibly historically recent. You can find old black and white photos of male friends embracing and letters between men that’d come off as love letters to most men today. And that’s just in western culture. The samurai, arguably one of if not the greatest warriors in history, were not just warriors, but avid poets, artists, practitioners of ikebana (flower arrangement) and had surprisingly intimate relationships with other men.
DeusExLibrus t1_j1xqm11 wrote
Reply to comment by leelougirl89 in Afghan Men Stand in Support of Women After Taliban College Ban by BlitzOrion
I mean, its possible to be against abortion for moral reasons, but morality, unlike ethics, is inextricably entangled in religion. So if they're against abortion for moral reasons, they are by definition opposed to abortion for religious reasons. Of course most Americans in my experience (and I am one) don't seem to know the definition of most words related to morality, ethics, religion, and politics, so its not that surprising. Half the country can't tell the difference between Social Democracy and Fascism, two diametrically opposed political philosophies.
DeusExLibrus t1_j1ei2mr wrote
Reply to comment by luckylebron in Afghan Men Stand in Support of Women After Taliban College Ban by BlitzOrion
Fundamentalists don’t actually care what their holy book says. They’re mainly interested in controlling people. Look at Christian evangelicals and fundamentalists: they’re vehemently pro-life, even though the book they claim to believe was written by God says in no uncertain terms that life doesn’t begin until the baby is born.
DeusExLibrus t1_iwescar wrote
Reply to comment by Windyandbreezy in Missouri man serving 241-year sentence released from prison with help of judge who put him behind bars by AmethystOrator
Yeah, it’s kind of nuts. Even if “tough on crime” worked, it’s an, in my opinion, morally dubious stance.
DeusExLibrus t1_iwdhcnk wrote
Reply to Missouri man serving 241-year sentence released from prison with help of judge who put him behind bars by AmethystOrator
What is even the point of a sentence that long? It’s not like he’s going to serve most of it. Regardless, glad he got out. We should really only put violent offenders in prison. A prison sentence being the default for everything is goofy, and the only thing goofier is a for profit prison system.
DeusExLibrus t1_itn8l8p wrote
These stories aren't uplifting. They're a depressing reminder that a terrifyingly large percentage of my countrymen can't tell the difference between beneficial government programs and a dictatorship.
DeusExLibrus t1_itn8eah wrote
Reply to comment by were-shark007 in 12-year-old Iowa boy, artist sells paintings to help kids with cancer by Sariel007
Someone with more patience than I have needs to teach my countrymen the difference between social democracy and fascism, because they were so utterly brainwashed during the Cold War that they can't tell the difference between beneficial government programs and a dictatorship.
DeusExLibrus t1_itn7wru wrote
Reply to comment by Vulspyr in 12-year-old Iowa boy, artist sells paintings to help kids with cancer by Sariel007
Yeah, these sorts of stories always confuse and depress me. Why is this held up as good news when its caused by a shortcoming of the government? Every other developed country has implemented a social safety net including socialized medicine, but because Americans still can't distinquish between socialism and fascism, we end up with messed up "good news" stories like this!
DeusExLibrus t1_is25s7v wrote
Reply to comment by shitposts_over_9000 in Social Security boost will help millions of kids, too by AmethystOrator
Everyone except Republicans who don’t want anything done I’m guessing.
DeusExLibrus t1_is25d06 wrote
Reply to comment by RealAgent in Social Security boost will help millions of kids, too by AmethystOrator
Democrats have tried to fix plenty of things, but they routinely get blocked by Republicans. Both parties are garbage, don’t truly represent the people, and should have been replaced long ago, but only one of them actively blocks the government from doing anything, and it’s not the Democrats.
DeusExLibrus t1_irecs6i wrote
Reply to comment by shaodyn in REI dumps Black Friday - permanently by ruby31876
There are deaths basically every year. Black Friday is basically peak end stage capitalism.
DeusExLibrus t1_j68wv4d wrote
Reply to comment by angelojann in Dickens' David Copperfield: Were men more affectionate with each other in the 18th century? by angelojann
Pretty much.