
Dez2011 t1_jcsh2fs wrote

I had a friend who had liver damage that was so severe she looked a full 9 months pregnant from the fluid backing up. She was an alcoholic and refused to see a Dr until it was too late to save herself. She wouldn't leave her house the last few months before she died because she knew she'd be asked if she was pregnant every time. She was very skinny otherwise.

There are many reasons not to ask a woman about it. She may have a medical problem and doesn't want to have to explain it. She may have just had a miscarriage or have found out that the baby's life isn't viable. It totally outweighs any benefit of asking without knowing the situation ahead of time.


Dez2011 t1_jcsexy9 wrote

I had a similar shirt and was wearing it BOTH times when I was asked. I carry a lot of my weight in the torso and thought that style of shirt was a fix for my problem. One of those times I was target shooting at an outdoor gun range with a male friend and this redneck woman collecting people's brass asked me if I was pregnant. I said No. Then she said: Well, did you USED to be pregnant? I'd been was reloading when she'd walked up and I looked at my friend and joked "Accidents happen". The woman finally got the point and scurried back up to the long gun range, lol.


Dez2011 t1_ja2e85g wrote

You treated girl 1 really badly for a very shallow reason. "I'm dumping you right before Valentine's Day for another girl." You should feel like an ass because you were one. The fact that you don't see how hurt and pissed she'll be and think you can go right back and say "my bad" shows you haven't matured or thought about how your actions have consequences for others and yourself. Accept the consequences that you blew it and learn from that so you don't do it again.


Dez2011 t1_j6itad7 wrote

You'll get a much cheaper price going through an mvno (reseller) than through the big brands. Boost uses ATT or T-mobile (my line using T-mobile 5G is $26/month, ask to be sure you get the one you want). Straight talk uses Verizon (the $35 or $45 plan is unlimited everything) the service/speeds are good in my area, NW Georgia. Most plans aren't negotiable these days, standard pricing is online. You usually get a discount each month for using autopay and ebills. Ask people you know who they like service with if you're open to not using ATT.


Dez2011 t1_j1kpr4z wrote

You are correct. The veins in the sinuses swell causing the feeling of a stuffy nose. Menthol and those vicks sinus smelly sticks cause the veins to contract, making room for more airflow to move through. I recently remembered the vicks sticks my grandmother used when I was a kid and looked it up to see how they worked since you don't actually inhale any fluid/medication.