
DifferentAnon t1_iy9zjna wrote

Bringing up hydrogen bombs when discussing hydrogen engines is pretty disingenuous and fear mongery. Hydrogen itself is very flammable and dangerous in it's own right but is very different and much less dangerous than a hydrogen bomb.


DifferentAnon t1_iy8dj20 wrote

What point are you arguing? I asked about energy amounts and you bring up rare earth metals.

Yes. I agreed that finite resource materials are required.

I suppose what your definition of "green" is required. I'm thinking of carbon emissions resulting in climate change.


DifferentAnon t1_iy8c8po wrote


DifferentAnon t1_iy8bhji wrote

Yeah but we aren't gonna give up modern day life. Yes renewables take finite non renewable resources, but they result in much less damage than the melting of the planet through climate change.