
DispozableHero86 t1_j1srvl1 wrote

Couldn't have said it better, perfect.

I'm also an Egyptian and when I saw this post the first thought that came to mind is that he escaped persecution for renouncing religion entirely and becoming an atheist. If I'm going to be honest I was also disappointed to see that he just escaped from one cult to another, whatever logic that invalidates Islam can equally be applied to all religions, I do not understand how anyone could ever find one religion to be more plausible than the other when they are all based on groundless faith.

Having said that, nothing but love and respect to this guy. I don't share his beliefs but I'm happy that he can now live a life where he can freely adopt whatever idea that he sees fit without any consequences. It is precisely this freedom that's a tenant of secular humanism, not religion. There should never be an intellectual monopoly or demonization of free thought, and I'm happy he's got that freedom now, it's everything people like me could ever hope for.