DizzyAmphibian309 t1_j4cb60z wrote
Reply to comment by Rosebunse in Paul Ryan says he 'had too much power' as House speaker by bomberesque1
They don't want to kill it off, they want to make it so that every X years you need to have a vote to extend it. Democrats will always vote yes, but Republicans will use it as leverage to get concessions. Because they're assholes.
DizzyAmphibian309 t1_j6j4wbs wrote
Reply to comment by Lord-of-Leviathans in No one watches the news anymore because they never provide any solutions to the problem reported and only exist to infuriate you for clicks and likes. by Inaerius
News that provides solutions is basically Tucker Carlson's show. The news is mostly fabricated and the solutions presented are propaganda with the sole intention of deceiving and brainwashing their viewers.
News shows, or ones claiming to be news, shouldn't be allowed to express any opinions at all, let alone present solutions. The fact that they're allowed to is one of the reasons why the US is so divided.