
Dizzy_Duck_811 t1_ir4fs1t wrote

The forensic science is doing experiments on real dead bodies. I can’t remember what they call it, but the people who donate their bodies to science, are worked on by different departments. They watch in real time how long it takes for a body to decompose under different circumstances, and they go from there with their discoveries. They can come quite close to what a person might look. It’s not perfect, but it’s something.


Dizzy_Duck_811 t1_ir4fi2p wrote

There was a 50 years cold case that was solved recently like this. A young girl was killed by someone the police has questioned a few times, but they’ve had no evidence. They had DNA saved from the crime, and they found a familial match. That is how they’ve solved the case. Her family was long gone by the time it was solved. They never got to know who killed her.

And this is not the only case like this!