
t1_je87m28 wrote

I believe the universe to by cyclical. I'm not sure which video you are referring but I can presume it shows a very long dark quiet and cold end to our universe?

Eventually nothing can hold a bond and all matter will just slowly fade away, with a fizzling out of energy.

The time frames are astoundingly unfathomable.

I like to think/believe in the big bounce. It would be a lot cooler if there was something out there yet discovered, maybe just beyond our vantages horizon that would cause the eventually reverse of time, the collapse of this universe back up onto itself.

Maybe, just maybe, just an atoms length beyond our horizon, there exists a black hole the size of the entire horizon.

So I guess in summary, I'd (the universe) rather die in a black whole than being stretched out into nothingness via a long dark cold freeze. Although, being stretched out into nothingness also seems to be what would happen if we were to enter a black hole? So wait, what we are experiencing now is what would happen if we were to fall into a black hole? So, we are in one now?

Or maybe my therapist is right.


t1_je86dem wrote

Carl Sagan says it very well in A Pale Blue dot... There was a great edit someone did on YouTube with scenes from a bunch of movies but I'd guess it was removed for like 60 copyright infringements.

Edit: Holy crap lol the next thing I do is start a TV show and there is a Rolex commercial that was almost identical to what I described on YouTube. Anyone who's seen the video I'm talking about check out Rolex hashtag perpetual ad and let me know what you think.


t1_jdu3jbe wrote

I always wonder why casinos don't do security checks like they would at an airport?

I also wonder why there aren't more violent crimes occuring in casinos.

Even after moving out of state, I am still terrified at the thought of a casino in downtown Chicago. I guarantee there will be shootings and end up either being a massive failure or turn into a super max security arena that just let's it spill out to the streets.


t1_j4c0x4q wrote

All I know for sure is that around every corner of knowledge where we thought we had found the final piece the puzzle, it has proven to be much larger and incomplete.