DoneDidThisGirl t1_j6m4s1z wrote
Reply to Worst TV show intro? by khanmo01
Animal Kingdom has an obnoxious song and really tryhard visuals. Good show though.
DoneDidThisGirl t1_ixy7rh0 wrote
Reply to comment by TinyDickEnergia in Your favorite stretch of episodes in a TV show? by bros402
It’s interesting you say that. I like season one of Community but IMO it’s a little generic while they’re still figuring the characters, its niche, and trying to court a mainstream audience. I’d say the strongest stretch starts a few episodes into season two and runs through the Glee parody episode. I never thought they were able to maintain the momentum they had before their first hiatus after that episode.
DoneDidThisGirl t1_ix2wd9l wrote
Reply to comment by Outside_Bumblebee179 in What's the longest continuous chain of spinoffs? by TruthOf42
There’s even a new reboot of The Surreal Life airing on VH1 right now.
DoneDidThisGirl t1_iud03i9 wrote
Reply to comment by Dayofsloths in The Simpsons "IT" Tribute was pretty amazing by strangehitman22
Family Guy’s storytelling is shit but you can be guaranteed at least one good laugh per episode.
The same can’t be said for The Simpsons.
DoneDidThisGirl t1_iud00ax wrote
Reply to comment by GeronimoSonjack in The Simpsons "IT" Tribute was pretty amazing by strangehitman22
It is, and I fall for it every time. I come back every season for a few episodes because of some Reddit comment and it’s still the flat, pretentious, and unfunny show it’s been for the past twenty years.
The adaptation of It to the Simpsons universe was clever and well-done, but I didn’t laugh at a single “joke” the entire episode.
DoneDidThisGirl t1_iucersl wrote
Reply to comment by the2xstandard in What show are you embarrassed to love? by rayjay130
This is a very popular prestige show with a lot of credibility that has swept the major awards of the last few years. I’m not sure it counts, despite the unlikable characters. Sopranos and Breaking Bad had characters that were hard to root for too.
DoneDidThisGirl t1_iu7oncw wrote
Reply to comment by theproducer1980 in CNN Cuts Back on Original Series and Films by scuczu
Big fan of all those CNN original movies?
DoneDidThisGirl t1_iqy5nsu wrote
Reply to comment by CantSeeShit in There is going to be a pro-choice march in Montclair this week by Kongaleezza
Lol, right? And Montclair too, of all places. I suppose visibility still matters, even when preaching to the choir.
DoneDidThisGirl t1_ja2qy5p wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in 'Soulmates' Canceled at AMC Despite Season 2 Renewal by MarvelsGrantMan136
If you read the article, you’d know that the show was averaging less than 200,000 viewers. That isn’t even close to “popular”